Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Inside-Outer

I'm liking Chris Christie better and better these days. First, it was reaching across the isle with Obama during "Superstorm" Sandy. Now he's chewing out his own national party leadership. Soon he'll be forming his exploratory committee...

It's an interesting thought, Christie running for President. He's brash, loud, straightforward (seemingly) - things people tend to like about "Washington outsiders." Perhaps his best characteristic, however, is his willingness to call out his own party when it's appropriate - as I believe it was when he called Boehner out on not bringing the relief vote to the floor.

The question, however, is whether this is posturing or if it's genuine. If it's posturing, not an unreasonable thought when it comes to politicians considering national office, it's interesting to consider how he would act once he can no longer be the "outsider." If it's not, his personality seems like it might be abrasive enough to hurt him in an actual run for President - not to mention the establishment might not be willing to go out on a limb for someone who consistently defies them.

In any event, I'm predicting a run for office in 2016. He's got pretty good conservative credentials and can position himself as a maverick, a la McCain, only with the added benefit of not being inside the beltway (recently, anyway). He'll not have my vote, but if he's not just full of hot air, he might be good for the Republican party by making the recognize that governing is still - despite their best effort - the responsibility of the government.


  1. Personally, I like Chris Christie. He's conservative, but he represents the best part of conservatism; there's a reason he's got a 70% approval rating in his home state.

    Plus he's tons of fun to watch (no pun intended).

  2. I agree. In terms of "Republicans I like," which is an unfortunately short list, he's at the top. I would hesitate to call him an intellectual, though he's obviously a smart guy, but at least he is willing to work across the isle - and that's what we need most at the moment from a party that has become full of ideologues.
